
New JLPT N1 Taisaku-mondai & Yoten-seiri for Reading comprehension, Grammar, & Vocabulary (Last minute preparations and reviews JLPT N1) Discount

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New JLPT N1 Taisaku-mondai & Yoten-seiri for Reading comprehension, Grammar, & Vocabulary (Last minute preparations and reviews JLPT N1)

This is a workbook focusing on reading comprehension for the new JLPT N1. You will also learn grammar and vocabulary as you work through the exercises. It uses event fliers, situational emails, and a variety of articles covering daily life, so you won’t get bored with it.

Keep going and test yourself with the final exercises.

It’s composed of five parts and a supplement:

-Part 1: Short and medium-length articles with simple questions
-Part 2: Longer articles with more challenging questions
-Part 3: Short, related passages with comparison questions to practice integrated understanding
-Part 4: Examples from pamphlets and other printed materials with questions to practice finding specific information
-Part 5: Final exercises (Vocabulary and Reading comprehension & Grammar)
-Supplement to build vocabulary

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